47 Chihuahua Memes That Will Have You LOLing

The shareability of Chihuahua memes makes them perfect for bringing dog lovers together. Memes help people with a quick smile, brief chuckle, and the need to share with their friends. No matter what kind of day you might be having, an adorable Chihuahua meme is guaranteed to brighten your day.
Memes first gained popularity in the 90s when people were posting on message boards and newsgroups. They’ve since evolved into pop culture and are a permanent fiber in Internet history. The staying power of memes is unmistakable, so we’re jumping on the viral wave.
Put your phone on silence, tell your boss you’re busy and get ready for 47 Chihuahua memes that will have you LOLing all day long.
Hysterical Chihuahua Memes
When a picture says a thousand words.

Well, the saying goes, “let sleeping dogs lie.”

When your dog is smarter than you realize.

Try as they may, dogs simply are not cats.

He’s my best friend, my buddy, my pal, and my lookout partner.

Shakespeare said it best, “To sleep, perchance to dream.”

Who could resist those puppy dog eyes?

It’s always best to stop and take in nature’s beauty.

Move over Clint Eastwood; there’s a new leader in town.

What did we ever do before GPS?

I may look like I am sleeping but think again.

Anyone who ever broke curfew will relate to this.

Straight from the lilypad.

It was only a matter of time.

It’s not the size of the dog, but the attitude.

Stealing hearts with this award-winning smile.

This dog certainly isn’t the only one that feels this way.

When you have a passion for fashion.

A sigh of relief!

We all know that one co-worker…

To paraphrase this famous line from the movie A Few Good Men.

Sometimes words aren’t needed, especially when fashion speaks for itself.

They don’t walk the runway, they own it.

Hey bark-tender, a round of sparkling water over here, please.

Some dogs are trendsetters.

Wait until you see his downward dog.

Can you speak up a little louder, please?

Cuddle puddle alert.

Good things come in small packages, after all.

You know it’s true.

It’s okay; we can share this space together, friend.

The photographer did say cheese, so…

A little beach humor.

He tells the best jokes on the block.

Pun alert. Be warned.

The look on the little dog’s face though.

We’ve all been there, pal.

Smile when you get it.

Um, it wasn’t me.

She worked the camera like a boss.

It’s as if the scarf was made with her in mind.

All I hear is, “blah blah blah.”

All the feels. All the warm fuzzies.

Just in case you didn’t get the memo…

Punny, funny, and cute all in one.

This dog may never look at a treat the same way again.

Oh boy, what did the humans do now?