24 Pictures of Small Dogs with Big Personalities

Small dogs seem to have the biggest personalities. Sassy, classy, fun, and full of spunk, what little dogs lack in size, they make up for in confidence.
Not all little dogs like being lap warmers–some prefer to be feisty and tough as nails. Smaller dogs can also be comical, especially when dog moms and dads dress them up in canine couture.
If you aren’t paying attention, small dogs will steal your heart, your socks, and even that half a sandwich on a snack tray. Little dogs always manage to get what they want by using a combination of soulful eyes, stealth maneuvers, and quick thinking.
We searched Instagram for pictures of small dogs that showcase Herculean attitudes. These are the types of dogs who are fun to be around and likely break the Internet with their animal magnetism.
A word to the wise: These photos are likely to cause a lot of “oohing” and “awwwing,” so get ready for some major swooning.
Players, put yo’ pinky rings up to the moon
Girls, what y’all trying to do?
24 karat magic in the air
Head to toe so player
Look out! –Bruno Mars

Small dog. Big bulky sweater. On-trend necklace. #OwningThisLook

The face you make when your human asks, “Do you know how much I love you?”

A dog’s beauty commands attention, but her personality tugs at the heartstrings.

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. –Phyllis Diller

There’s thumthing really funny about thwying to talk with my thungue like this.

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. –William Arthur Ward

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you; roar like a tiger cub and the whole world falls in love with you.

Some dogs show up for a party, but I prefer to arrive in style.

When a good time turns around
You must whip it
You will never live it down
Unless you whip it
No one gets away
Until they whip it –Whip It by Devo

I’m in a stay-in-bed, play with my toys, wear my pajamas all day long kind of mood. Who’s with me?

Chicken wing, chicken wing
Hotdog and bologna
Chicken and macaroni
Chillin’ with my homies –Lankybox

Donuts are happiness with sprinkles all over. Donut estimate the power of my sugary sweetness.

Her side hustle of collecting tennis balls and reselling them on eBay is working out famously.

Big things come in small packages. I’ve wrapped up status, class, and style.

What did the tree wear to the pool party?
Swimming trunks.

Practicing for the Summer Olympics. So far, I’m a perfect ten in cuteness overload.

All I am saying is give peas a chance.

Get your motor runnin’
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way. –Steppenwolf

The Italian Greyhound in her natural habitat–surrounded by creature comforts in the lap of luxury.

Them: Does your dog bite?
Me: No, it’s worse – he judges you.

Chihuahua pups are born with their ears down and hearts full of love.

We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what love. That’s okay. –Laverne Cox

By day, a Pomsky influencer but by night, his true identity emerges.